By Anny Soft and Stable 18"x 58"
370,00 kr
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ByAnnie's Soft and Stable® is a product which we developed to use in place of batting or other stabilizers in purses, bags, totes and more.
Why use ByAnnie's Soft and Stable®?
Great lasting body and stability
Maintains shape
Gives a professional finish to your project
Easy to sew
Fabric can be quilted to ByAnnie's Soft and Stable® or just sewn around the edges of the pieces — no need to quilt every 2 to 4" as with batting
Soft and comfortable
Washer and dryer safe
Iron out wrinkles on medium heat
Product specs:
Piece measures 18" x 58" x .175" thick
100% polyester foam
Polyester fabric on both sides of matching foam
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